Delivery for 105 Units of Bonluck Attracting Attentions From Many Parties
In the morning of February 19th, 105 luxury buses on the parking lot of CHTC·Jiangxi Kama Business Bus Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of SINOMACH, were neatly arranged and ready to deliver. Yin Meigen, member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee, personally issued a departure order. This is the first overseas bus order delivered by Jiangxi Province since the outbreak of New Crown Pneumonia.
The mainstream media such as Xinhua News Agency, China Central Television, People's Daily, Tencent Video, Phoenix.com, China Daily, China Jiangxi Network, Jiangxi Satellite TV, Nanchang Broadcasting and Television Station, Jiangxi Daily, Nanchang Daily, and Economic Daily have successively reported.
At the end of 2019, Bonluck won a batch order for 500 units in the Middle East market. According to the contract, the first batch of 105 vehicles is scheduled to begin mass shipment in February 2020. Affected by the epidemic during the Spring Festival, the company's original plan to start working on February 1st had to be delayed. This unexpected situation also caused overseas customers to express doubts about Bonluck's ability to deliver the vehicles on time. After learning about this change, the company immediately formulated a response strategy, requiring each department to start various tasks in a remote office mode. Overseas sales staff maintained close contact with customers in various overseas markets through email and instant messaging tools, and obtained the understanding from overseas customers, the engineering and production staff also actively cooperate with customers to make all preparations in advance. Everyone's efforts have also received praise from overseas customers. The customers have taken the videos cheering for Bonluck and China, that everyone can fully feel the warmth from all corners of the world!
Attach mainstream media report links:
Head office of Xinhua News Agency:https://xhpfmapi.zhongguowangshi.com/vh512/share/8891798?channel=weixin&from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0
Overseas Version of Xinhua News Agency:
China Daily:https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1658935005997701983&wfr=spider&for=pc
Phoenix Net:http://v.ifeng.com/c/7uAlnHysdW8
Tencent News:https://new.qq.com/omn/20200219/20200219A0END500.html?pgv_ref=aio2015
Jiangxi Province People’s Government Official Website:http://www.jx.gov.cn/art/2020/2/20/art_399_1507918.html
Jiangxi Daily:http://epaper.jxwmw.cn/html/2020-02/20/content_5405_2327733.htm
Xinhua News Agency Jiangxi Branch:
Jiangxi CN:http://ce.jxcn.cn/system/2020/02/19/018768964.shtml
Nanchang Daily:http://www.ncrbw.cn/html/2020-02/20/content_178749.htm?div=0
Nanchang News Network:http://www.ncnews.com.cn/ldxx/lddt/202002/t20200220_1541823.html
Nanchang TV Station<Daily News>:https://www.iqiyi.com/v_19rxgkz380.html
Sina Homepage of Nanchang Daily:http://k.sina.com.cn/mediaDocList.d.html?uid=3143022404
Pear Video of Nanchang Daily:https://www.pearvideo.com/video_1652789