It is subtle yet important factoid that Latin America features the most overwhelming truth of diversified culture upon the heritage local and extraneous, the fertilized soil spans over ten thousand kilometers from Pacific to Atlantic where breeds harmonized ethnicities of Caucasians, Hispanics, Mayas, Incas, Mestizos, Mulatas and Asians. Being borne of hundreds years, the combined continents eventually naturalize varied religions and ideologies of human beings’.
During the past decades, China starts establishing influential over there before Latin America was quite mind-leaned by Americans and Europeans in which the introduced heavy industries have been producing substantially with the renowned European brands of SCANIA, VOLVO, and MERCEDEZ BENZ through the localized joint ventures in Brazil and Argentina, Mascarello, Irizar, Marcopolo and Caio basically become the main bodybuilders that produce complete buses with supplied chassis to the other Latin American countries. Predictably China made buses commenced competition with Brazilian made from ten years ago when it became tensed. As a drama unfolds it competes from the verified profitability that both linear supply while tension continues.
BONLUCK took the chance in contacting with Latin American client from year 2007 whenas the first finished bus landed to another side of Pacific Ocean shore in October; the second order came after a year until the client felt satisfied with how the first bus performed. This bus has been serving for a tourism agency for over five years with satisfactory performance until now.
BONLUCK really knew it started and craved further more hence we had to go through what were expected with minimized complaints for which has nothing to do with delivered buses at clients’ ends, it turns gradually the scope of requirement is determined with common senses that indicate split or triplicate windshields for if the destination sign is used; quality linings onboard with good tactility to have considered simplicity; frequently used rear mounted bathroom with quality valves and water tanks; wider cushioned seats, width appears prior than legroom if it appears alternative; over-engineered chassis and body structure beyond applicable; high replaceability and interchangeability in case of future work done locally…and we know we knew doesn’t mean we will know that spurs us to carry on what we do care.