BLK High Tech Bus with Wheelchair Visits Copiapio
Representatives from Bus Servise Ltda came to Copiapio with the aim of publicizing the buses, which have high technology that allows access to the disabled locomotion.
“Compartment is built to put wheelchair ramp with a special automatic system that is operated by remote control. Also has the latest generation of environmental pollution control technology. Being automatic, such an increase in does not have to be with the changes,” Said by Ulises Urzue, the sales manager from Bus Service Ltda.
The executive has the acceptance and buses have been purchased by municipalities as Hijuelas Providence and La Calera.
Vehicles also bring a high compensators system. “There are buses working on Maricunga 4500 meters high, and work the same way to 4000 meters high, as at sea level, we should not be doing any system to inject more oxygen. Automatically regulate.”
The Councilman, Luis Orrego, expresses that “this is a company that showing the bus has a capacity of 40 seats, yet can carry six people with disabilities in wheelchairs with a ramp, which is the most modern.
Councilman manifestoes that people with disabilities require greater opportunities. “Any times all go for a walk, grandparents, adults, but they stay in the city, you have to incorporate so they can leave. I'm meeting with the association of disabled and conversing with the mayor to see the potential that can be acquired either through the municipality or regional government a bus for them.”
The bus is equipped with a safety belt three points for greater passenger safety. The idea is to show the car to the municipalities of Copiapo, and also in Vallenary Freirina.
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